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בגין - אילת

Our step list:

1. A person leaves a weight.
2. The weight goes into the pipe and pushed the ball on the track.
3. The ball rolls down the track and hit another ball that’s located in the middle of the track.
4. The ball hits a small marble at the end of the track.
5. The small marble goes into the pipe and hit another ball.
6. The ball goes into the pipe and rolled into swing.
7. The mass of the ball turn on the swing and raise the weight.
8. The weight rolls down the track and hit the Domino brick which located at the end of the track.
9. The first Domino brick hit additional nine Domino bricks and they fall one by one.
10. The Domino bricks drop a weight at the end of the runway.
11. The weight drops and lift the cover of a solar car.
12. The cover goes up and reveals the solar panel of the car to a lit lamp that located against the car.
13. The car drives and pulls a string attached to it.
14. The other side of the string is connected to a lever hold.
15. The hold drops and the lever releases a bag of copper chloride.
16. The copper chloride goes into aluminum Cup filled with water.
17. The copper chloride and the aluminum creates a chemical reaction and in the aluminum Cup created a hole.
18. The water runs through the hole to a track, and fill a cup that's located in the end of the track.
19. The mass of the cup with the water lifting another Cup.
20. The second cup hits a surface that raise a ball.
21. The ball passes through tracks and enters into a pipe that ends with a car.
22. The ball hits the car.
23. The car hits a weight that’s located on a wire that holds a pulley block that’s connected to a knife.
24. The wire releases and the pulley block rolls.
25. The knife blow up a balloon that contain breakfast cereal.
26. The breakfast cereal goes out of the balloon and into the bowl.

Why think we should win?

We belive that we deserve to win. We didn't have much time to prepare our machine, and still, we managed to build an efficient and well working machine.
The making of the machine contributed to the felling of unification in our group, in addition to our knowledge of chemistry and physics

Our suggestion for next year's challenge

Inflate a balloon

The machines volume:
Height: 1.7 M

Surface:4.51 M

Volume: 7.66 M

A video that inspired us:

הערות שופטים לגבי עמידה בחוקי התחרות

א. המכונה עומדת בחוקי התחרות


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